Chioma Ebubedike Igbokwe

Chioma Ebubedike Igbokwe - Covid19 Hero Awards

During the COVID-19 pandemic lock down, Chioma had an online literacy and vocational Skill education zoom home learning free of charge weekly sessions for children and teenagers all over the world to be able to engage them and continue learning despite the pandemic. Her project School to Skill is a 1 child 1skill early skill development initiative targeted to harness the skills reading culture and creative skills of young people between ages 5 to 25

What other characteristics has your Hero demonstrated to support this nomination?

Chioma has been an excellent entrepreneur for decades empowering youths through capacity building and vocational Skill education. She is a lawyer and runs a garment factory that empowers youths.

Describe the impact of your Hero on a local, regional, national, and/or international level.

Chioma creates jobs solving problems of the Sdg goals decent jobs and economic growth and education.

Is there anything else about your Hero that you would like the committee to consider?

She deserves this because she is a leader and has empowered thousands of young people in her community

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