Mayank Amin a Pharmacist / Chief Patient Advocate

Dr Mayank Amin - Covid19 Hero Awards

Dr. Mayank Amin, known as Dr. Mak, has become Montgomery County’s local superhero since reopening a long-standing community pharmacy which had its doors shuttered 3 years ago by a large chain. Driven by a goal to help his community, Dr. Mak has made national headlines most recently with his COVID-19 program vaccinating close to 50,000 community members since February 2021. The number of vaccines is a great feat; however, the way in which he inspired the masses to get involved is something even more special. Through a 100% volunteer task force of close to 1,000 volunteers, Dr. Mak lead the Skippack Pharmacy COVID task force into helping many local communities including seniors, special needs groups, underserved populations, homebound patients, and more all while his wife was pregnant and living away from him to protect their unborn child. Dr. Mak was recognized by the Governor (, US Senator Klobuchar (, amongst many others, and at the Capitol building on the Senate/House Floor (

What other characteristics has your Hero demonstrated to support this nomination?

Dr. Mak has become known as the Superman pharmacist who raced to vaccinate his community ( Prior to the COVID-19 vaccine, Dr. Mak lead a volunteer/community effort to donate 50,000 pieces of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) to local healthcare facilities, professionals, and families in need. Throughout the pandemic and even before, Dr. Mak lives by the motto, “In the Joy of Others, Lies Our Own” and continues to operate for his community mentioning the S on his Superman costume stands for servant.

Describe the impact of your Hero on a local, regional, national, and/or international level.

Dr. Mak has been featured on multiple news stations and media including Reuters, Good Morning America, People Magazine, Live with Ryan & Kelly show, and more all with an effort to inspire more entrepreneurs and leaders to stand up and help their local communities.

Is there anything else about your Hero that you would like the committee to consider?

More information about Dr. Mak and his community efforts can be found on his company’s Facebook page