Woodlands Nursing Home

These workers are amazing. My mom was 93 when we hadto put her there for memory problems. These people took her in with open arms and treated her as their own. They would make sure she was included in all activities. When there was any concern they always contacted me. When covid hit and we could not go and see her, they made sure we had contact with her. They even did a window visit and her on the phone. They did not rush us.

When my mom got sick they called to let us know. Always keeping us updated. They did not get annoyed with my calls with all my questions eventhough they were very busy. When they said the covid test came back positive they cried with me. They also would do virtual visits.

I remember my mom virtual visit she would fall asleep while talking. They would rub her arm to say I was on the phone and she would pep up. The last virtual she was unresponsive. They called and I sat and talked with her and cried. You could her the nurse sniffling. When they called and said that she passed they let me know she was not alone. The workers would stay after they were done working and sit with her.

What other characteristics has your Hero demonstrated to support this nomination?

Compassion, caring,and loving.

Describe the impact of your Hero on a local, regional, national, and/or international level.

These workers went far and beyond their duties.

Is there anything else about your Hero that you would like the committee to consider?

These nurses and aides treated these residents with patience and love.